mental wellness blog

When we Inhibit the Expression of Emotions coaching emotions expressing-emotions inner-world mindfulness path to healing Aug 30, 2024

Suppression, or the conscious effort to inhibit the expression of emotions, is a coping mechanism that people often use to manage their emotional responses in various situations. While it can be useful in certain contexts, consistently relying on suppression as a primary way of dealing with...

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When We Engage with Emotions during Depression depression emotions path to healing recovery of wholeness regulating-emotions trauma Aug 30, 2024

Engaging with emotions in a healthy way is a crucial step for individuals suffering from depression as they work towards recovery and healing. Here are several strategies that can support this process:

  1. Mindfulness and Meditation: Mindfulness practices encourage individuals to observe their...
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Emotions, Energy in Motion and Depression coaching emotions path to healing personal development recovery of wholeness Aug 30, 2024

The concept of emotions as "energy in motion" offers a fascinating and empowering perspective on how we experience and manage our feelings. This viewpoint suggests that emotions are not static or fixed; rather, they are dynamic forces that move through us. Like energy, emotions are meant to flow;...

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Emotions a Friend - Anger can be a Normal Response anger coaching emotional-intelligence emotions inner-world path to healing Aug 30, 2024

Going to bed angry can have a range of effects on both the body and mind, impacting not just the quality of sleep but also overall health and well-being. Similarly, while short-term anger can be a normal and even healthy emotional response to certain situations, long-term resentment can have more...

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Healthy Respect or Crippling People-Pleasing? celebrated differences healthy love healthy respect path to healing people-pleasing personal development recovery of wholeness wisdom Aug 30, 2024

Recognizing the difference between healthy respect for the people we live with and a crippling people-pleasing behaviour is crucial for personal development and maintaining healthy relationships. Both stem from a deeper desire to live harmoniously with others, but they differ...

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Emotions a Friend:- Feelings that are Brain-Derived Emotions beautiful brokenness coaching emotions inner-world path to healing recovery of wholeness Aug 30, 2024

The distinction between feelings that are seen as emotions and feelings that are seen as brain-derived emotions involves understanding the intricate relationship between physiological responses, cognitive processing, and the subjective experience of emotions.

  • Feelings as Emotions:-
    Feelings that...
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Your Focus Can Heal Your Life boundaries focus healthy love path to healing personal development wisdom Jul 27, 2024

In the journey of life, it's easy to become entangled in the narratives, problems, behaviours and expectations of those around us. For those of us with a natural inclination to help, support, and fix, this tendency can lead us away from our own path, causing us to lose sight of our dreams, goals,...

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