mental wellness blog

Interpretations, Triggers and Feelings coaching cognitive-processing emotions interpretations-and-feelings personal development recovery of wholeness Aug 30, 2024

We do not see the world as it is but as we are. Becoming more aware of our interpretations of events before reacting emotionally is a skill that requires practice, self-awareness, and mindfulness. 

Let's make use of an example trigger/ incident - failing a driver's license test. This can...

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Emotions, Energy in Motion and Depression coaching emotions path to healing personal development recovery of wholeness Aug 30, 2024

The concept of emotions as "energy in motion" offers a fascinating and empowering perspective on how we experience and manage our feelings. This viewpoint suggests that emotions are not static or fixed; rather, they are dynamic forces that move through us. Like energy, emotions are meant to flow;...

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Healthy Respect or Crippling People-Pleasing? celebrated differences healthy love healthy respect path to healing people-pleasing personal development recovery of wholeness wisdom Aug 30, 2024

Recognizing the difference between healthy respect for the people we live with and a crippling people-pleasing behaviour is crucial for personal development and maintaining healthy relationships. Both stem from a deeper desire to live harmoniously with others, but they differ...

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Discovery Roadmap to the Inner World and Coaching coaching discovery-roadmap inner-world personal development recovery of wholeness Aug 30, 2024

Embarking on the journey of self-discovery and personal development is akin to exploring an expansive, uncharted territory within ourselves. The brain, a mere 3 pounds of intricate networks nestled within our skulls, and the metaphorical "big brain" of our mind's vast expanse, hold an astonishing...

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Your Focus Can Heal Your Life boundaries focus healthy love path to healing personal development wisdom Jul 27, 2024

In the journey of life, it's easy to become entangled in the narratives, problems, behaviours and expectations of those around us. For those of us with a natural inclination to help, support, and fix, this tendency can lead us away from our own path, causing us to lose sight of our dreams, goals,...

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