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Emotions a Friend:- Feelings that are Brain-Derived Emotions

beautiful brokenness coaching emotions inner-world path to healing recovery of wholeness Aug 30, 2024
brain-derived emotions

The distinction between feelings that are seen as emotions and feelings that are seen as brain-derived emotions involves understanding the intricate relationship between physiological responses, cognitive processing, and the subjective experience of emotions.

  • Feelings as Emotions:-
    Feelings that are seen as emotions typically refer to the subjective, conscious experience of emotions. These are the internal experiences we label as sadness, joy, anger, fear, etc. This perspective emphasizes the phenomenological aspect of emotions, focusing on how they are felt from the inside. These feelings are often triggered by external events or internal thoughts and are recognized through introspection.
  • Brain-Derived Emotions:-
    Feelings that are seen as brain-derived emotions highlight the neurobiological processes underlying emotional experiences. This perspective considers emotions as outcomes of complex brain functions, including the limbic system's role (such as the amygdala and hippocampus) in processing emotional stimuli, the role of neurotransmitters, and the integration of cognitive and sensory information. Brain-derived emotions underscore the idea that emotions are not just felt experiences but also involve intricate brain mechanisms that interpret, process, and respond to information from our environment and our bodies.

Key Differences:-
1. Subjective Experience vs. Biological Process: The primary difference lies in the focus on the subjective experience of emotions in the 'FEELINGS AS EMOTIONS' and the emphasis on the biological and cognitive processes that produce these experiences in the latter, 'BRAIN-DERIVED EMOTIONS.'

2. Introspection vs. Objective Measurement: Feelings as emotions are known through introspection and personal reporting, making them inherently subjective. In contrast, brain-derived emotions can be studied and measured through objective means such as brain imaging techniques and physiological monitoring, offering a more detached, scientific understanding of how emotions arise.

3. Emphasis on Conscious Awareness: Feelings as emotions require a level of conscious awareness—they are what we are aware of feeling. Brain-derived emotions, however, can occur at a subconscious level, with the brain processing and reacting to emotional stimuli even before we are consciously aware of the emotion.

4. Integration with Cognitive Processes: While both perspectives acknowledge the role of cognitive processes, the concept of brain-derived emotions places a stronger emphasis on how thoughts, memories, and perceptions influence the physiological processes that lead to the experience of emotions.

Understanding these distinctions helps in appreciating the multifaceted nature of emotions, encompassing both our subjective experiences and the complex neurobiological processes that underpin them. This holistic view can enrich personal development practices by fostering a deeper awareness of how emotions manifest and influence our thoughts and behaviours, ultimately supporting more effective emotional regulation and well-being.



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