If it was not too late, what do you want your story to say?

anxiety beautiful brokenness beliefs-behaviours-outcomes coaching deeper-understanding depression destiny discovery-roadmap faith focus Oct 18, 2024

What do you want your story to say in the end?

  • Mostly, we're more in tune with our own inner narratives than what we are aware of the bigger picture or have the ability to envision the 'grand finale' - so to speak. Or we could say it like this 'in often not being aware of our own mental states, we're allowing our inner narratives or the silent programming on the inside to run our lives.'  But what about this? What if the most impressive part of your story, the grand finale, is greater than anything you could imagine and different than the inner narrative wanting to manage your hope and faith? Ephesians 3:20 (TPT) Never doubt God's mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination![ a] He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you.
  • For all of us, life didn't exactly work out like the imaginations in our minds. The premature snapshots of our imagined expectations weren't all grounded and our preconceived ideas were conditioned by past personal experiences, social conditioning and the external influence of norms sold by the media. In so doing, we almost completely missed out on the gift and the grace of the blank canvas altogether. We felt better, blaming the realities outside of our control for our self-defeating behavioural patterns. If we should decide to embrace transformation instead - it would require promoting ourselves to the position of taking ownership, it would afford us the opportunity to discover the beliefs behind the disappointment, disillusionment, frustration and even sometimes fell-blown anger.
  • For some of us, however, our life stories are marked by incidences or repeated patterns that would clearly score high on a trauma related scale. In these stories, it is very possible that denial could grow into a full scale defense mechanism. Suppressing the remains of these impactful events - perhaps the feelings of brokenness - isn't a real sustainable answer either. Suppression, depression, oppression and repression still result in an inability to fully live, to be energized by hope again and to embrace faith that the impossible will still cross our singular, individual paths. We end up carrying an extra weight and we don't even care or perhaps we don't believe it's an option to discard it. Perhaps, we've suppressed our brokenness, hurts and abandonment for long enough that we've befriended these destructive core beliefs and welcomed them as the voices eating away at our lives from the very inside.
  • OR - not holding onto the story your life "should tell" so stringently, could open you up for a greater purpose again. What if we missed miracles just because it has presented itself in events on our timelines that were imperfect and not according to the prewritten scripts we carry around with us? We have unlearned the ability to enjoy life as a journey and simply experience each moment as it is. When imperfect moments presents themselves, even detours - in the end those were still layovers where we could recover, from which we gain new perspectives and lessons that accompany us to the final destination. Being open to life's unexpected moments and opportunities is something that grace rather than legalism, control, and manipulation teaches us. The gift of flexibility, of 'what if' and 'what else could it be' strengthens in us a willingness to embrace life as it unfolds, rather than clinging too tightly to a predetermined narrative. This message resonates a humility interested in personal development ever increasing growth. It encourages self-reflection and openness to change. Are we living ignorantly and on autopilot or are we  carefully considering our own lives and the stories we're holding onto? What would spark transformation for you? A deeply liberating faith and hope and confidence and trust that your story will be good? What would meaningful personal growth look like in your story? How would it affect the rest of your world.

Exhausted by Video Recordings and Rehearsals

Mostly, the facts about our lives are undisputable, just as if those events were recorded on video and the evidence of these events saved on file and easily recalled long after the event took place. A close-up view focuses on the details and immediacy of experiences, without necessarily considering their broader context or how they fit into a larger pattern, a big picture and flow. Our record keeping also fall short in the way that it couldn't capture all the inner motivations, fears, emotions or invisible thoughts of all the 'actors' who played a part in those scenes. Record keeping served us effectively only in a way where it captured actual surface happenings through life's events, focusing on the immediate and tangible aspects of our experiences.

Some results of this perspective:-

  • Detail-oriented: This perspective helps us zoom in on the specifics, technicalities, and sometimes non-essentials of situations. However, it has very little deeper insight into the inner stories and motivations of others and ourselves. It has a lot of potential to slightly twist the imaginary stories we're afraid our lives would tell in the end because we give the immediate details the microphone over the all-embracing narrative of the bigger picture. Instead of searching, praying, and learning the language of faith and the things that are not in our field of view yet - we reduce our lives to the visible and to mere facts.

  • Present-Focused: A close-up view is deeply rooted in the present, concentrating on what is directly in front of us, often at the expense of valuing the past's influence or understanding the future's potential. It values the here and now, sometimes to the exclusion of broader considerations and future cause and effect. 

  • Reactive Approach: Given its focus on the immediate, this perspective can lead to a more reactive approach to life's events. Decisions and actions are often taken in response to what's happening at the moment without necessarily considering their long-term impact or how they fit into a larger plan.

  •   Individual Events Over Patterns: The ground-level perspective sees life as a series of individual, disconnected events and therefore doesn't necessarily identify patterns and trends over time like an aerial view would. This can sometimes result in a failure to recognize recurring themes or lessons that could inform future decisions.

  • Certainty and Control: This perspective often seeks certainty and control over immediate circumstances, preferring concrete, tangible outcomes. It may struggle with an openness to more than one interpretation and the uncertainty that would want to predict the bigger picture before we got there. 

The Aerial View of Your Life Story: How Every Moment is Woven into a Painting of Growth

In the canvas of life, each stroke of the paint brush, whether bright in shades of joy or shadowed by trials, contributes to the masterpiece that is your story in the end. Have you ever walked in on someone during the beginning stages of their painting or building project and found yourself almost worried for them? Right now, my youngest daughter has already attempted her license 3 times and failed 3 times. From this current point on her timeline, and at the early stages of it, she is worried that she is never going to get it. From my perspective however, having seen more of life - knowing her keen mind, her amazing character, and beautiful faith - I am convinced that she will get it and be a very safe driver and a blessing to have on the road. Often, we find ourselves entangled in the immediacy of our experiences, losing sight of the grand design. It's easy to become disillusioned, to let hope slip through our fingers like grains of sand, especially when life doesn't align with the illusive expectations painted in our minds.

Yet, what if we dared to shift our perspective? What if we chose to view our life's narrative from an aerial vantage point, recognizing the interconnectedness of each event, good or bad, as essential chapters in our story of eventual triumph? Trusting the Artist who wove our stories together in our mother's wombs?

The Power of Perspective:

Imagine for a moment that you're soaring above the timeline of your life, observing each moment not as isolated incidents but as interconnected dots on the path to your ultimate purpose. From this perspective, I want to pray for the grace to be around when my daughter's daughter goes for her first driving lesson, and in the end, celebrate together. Their might be more celebration around all the lessons learned, and all the conversations shared with the passengers in the car than in that one single point of obtaining the license. From this height, the moments of disappointment, the instances where trust seemed a folly, are seen not as endpoints but as crucial waypoints on your journey. This aerial perspective invites us to embrace the power of "What if?" - a question that opens doors to faith and trust, encouraging an explorative mindset that seeks growth and insight in every experience.

What if we viewed our current reality, no matter how bleak, as merely a transitional phase, a dot on the timeline leading us to our final destination?

What if we believed that it's never too late to alter the course of our story, that every decision, regardless of its immediate outcome, is steering us toward our designed purpose?

Some results of this perspective:-

  • Understanding and Insight: An aerial view encourages a comprehensive perspective, allowing individuals to see the interconnectedness of various events and experiences in their lives. It's akin to viewing the landscape from a high vantage point, where the relationships between different paths and destinations become clear. Faith does not look only at the things that are seen but eagerly desire wisdom and insight in order to have a clearer viewpoint of the things that are not seen or in plain sight. Wisdom learn something from each single experience.
  • Embraces Complexity: This perspective acknowledges that life is complex and multifaceted. It appreciates that events are not isolated but are part of a larger narrative, where each piece contributes to the whole. It sets us free to not reduce life to expectations, no longer throwing out moments that don't fit the premature picture in our minds. It liberates us to experience every single moment and get something beautiful out of it. 
  • Encourages Open-mindedness: By adopting an aerial view, individuals are more likely to remain open to multiple possibilities and outcomes. It fosters a mindset that is explorative and curious, willing to consider different paths and how they contribute to the overall journey. 
  • Focus on Patterns and Trends: This perspective helps in identifying patterns and trends over time, understanding how past events influence future possibilities. It's about seeing the tapestry of life, where every thread, whether bright or dark, adds depth and beauty to the story. 

Embracing the Journey

Our lives are continually woven together for good, as every detail, every twist and turn, contributes to fulfilling our unique purpose. This belief, rooted in faith, allows us to see beyond the visible, to trust in the unseen progress of our soul, spirit and personal development. It's a reminder that the story isn't over, that the darkness we face today is simply the backdrop for tomorrow's light breaking through at the right time. Romans 8:28 -So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together for good, for we are his lovers who have been called to fulfill his designed purpose. Embracing the belief that every detail of our lives is woven together for good is a powerful perspective, deeply rooted in the idea that there is a larger design and deeper purpose at play. This viewpoint aligns with the concept that life's events, both the challenging and the joyful, are not random but are part of a greater tapestry that, when viewed from a distance, reveals a pattern or narrative that leads us toward fulfillment, meaning and growth.

Benefits of Recognizing Growth in Challenges?

Understanding that every experience contributes to our greater good helps in recognizing the value of challenges. Difficult times are often when the most significant growth occurs, shaping us into more resilient, compassionate, and insightful individuals. This perspective encourages embracing life's trials as opportunities for development and learning.

Fostering Resilience:

Believing that every detail of our lives is one part of a beautiful tapestry in the end, fosters a sense of resilience. It instills a strength that comes from knowing that there is a larger narrative at play, one that is ultimately designed for our good. This resilience helps individuals navigate life's ups and downs with a steadier heart and mind.

Encouraging a Positive Outlook:

Holding onto the belief that everything is woven together for good promotes a positive outlook on life. It helps us know that we are not alone in our experiences and encourages us to maintain hope even in the face of adversity. This positivity can be infectious, inspiring others to adopt a similar perspective.

Inspiring Purposeful Living:

When we believe that our lives are part of a larger design, it inspires us to live more purposefully. It motivates us to seek out our unique path and to pursue our passions and dreams with the confidence that our journey is meaningful and aligned with a greater purpose.

Enhancing Connectivity:

This belief can also enhance a sense of connectivity to others and to the world around us. Recognizing that everyone's experiences are part of a larger design fosters empathy and understanding, encouraging individuals to support each other in their respective journeys.

The Invitation:

Let us explore together how every experience, every decision, is intricately woven into the fabric of our destiny. It's peaceful to recognize that our stories, with all their complexities and challenges, are unfolding exactly as they should. God says in his word, even if it was possible for a mother to forget her child, he can not forget us, he will never leave or forsake us. When we don't look at what we see but look at who he is, his character, everything, he has already done for us, Jesus who was punished for our penalties so that we can be freely accepted to enjoy each of his supernatural promises that are characteristic of his kingdom - we remember! No matter what the material, tangible things are that these physical eyes might be seeing right now, the end that we can't see yet - will be good!

Faith guides us toward a conclusion that, though currently unseen, it will ultimately be good.

Your story is still being written, and every "What if" is a brushstroke on the canvas of your life, contributing to a masterpiece that, in the end, will indeed be good.

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